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Content Removal Application

VRSpy is committed to maintaining a safe and respectful platform. We forbid abusive or illegal content and promptly process removal requests.

If you identify content that involves:
  • Unauthorized use or sharing of your image
  • Disclosure of personal information
  • Any abusive or unlawful material
Please complete this form to report it:
Submit the URLs of the content you are reporting:
Does this content feature you or include your personal information? *

If you are not in this content, explain how you know it is abusive or illegal. If acting for someone else, state your relationship and authority.

Have you ever consented to the distribution of this content? *

Sure! Here's a rephrased version of the text: If you have previously agreed to the distribution of this content, please explain why you now believe that this consent is no longer valid or effective. If you are representing someone else who previously agreed, please explain why you or they now believe that this consent is no longer valid or effective.

Explain why you believe this content is harmful or illegal:
Do you have any additional comments?
Can we contact you for more information? (If we can't reach you, it may delay our investigation. Your details will only be used for this request and won't be shared.) *
Please sign this form by entering your full legal name below. By signing, you confirm that the information provided is true to your knowledge.